
A Summer Stroll

After dinner we decided to take a stroll to Hole In The Wall --an OP institution--for a little custard ice cream treat. Much to our delight M decided to venture out of her pink world by ordering a butterscotch dipped cone (vs cherry). The cherry one looks disgusting! We all enjoyed our treat but I think M enjoyed being outside at dark equally as much. Her bedtime is 8 so she is rarely sees the dark. While walking home she was so excited to see the stars---albeit only 2. After watching the stars for a while she all of a sudden stopped and looked up at me with the most serious look and said "Mom, the stars are following us!! Why are they following us?!" I assured her that was okay so she calmed down. Adorable!

Oh, and M has caught on to the spelling game that Chris and I play...you know the one that all parents play when they don't want the little ones to know what they are saying. I asked Chris if she needed a b-a-t-h. M said "Mom, what did you say? Did you ask if I needed a bath?" So smart!!

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