
A Friend Filled Day

Today we started our day by heading out to Oak Brook for a bike race. This was Chris' first bike race. He was very excited about the experience and a chance to test out his sprinting game. But, unfortunately, today wasn't his day. He was caught in a wreck (he's fine, he didn't actually fall....) early in the race and couldn't get back to the pack so the racing officials pulled him. It was still a great experience for him.

At the race, we ran into an old neighbor Harry and his son H from our condo days in the City. Harry and Chris used to do a lot of bike training together so it was really nice to catch up with him.

Later that night we had some friends over for a BBQ. Brian and Ang and the boys got back from vacation only a few hours ago so they joined us. Also, we hadn't seen Amanda and John in a while so they ventured out of the City. And more cupcakes...yummy.

Post-cupcakes--the hill billy shot (ties in nicely with Brian's hill billy beard!)

M is wild about Brian (and who wouldn't be, right Ang!). She already knows how to give him the cute little eyes that would make anyone melt (which is really disturbing to us!). Brian was trying to cuddle with H on the couch last night and M would have none of that. She had to hop up next to him for some cuddle time. Too cute!

1 comment:

Angela said...

That daughter of yours has some great taste! What can you say?