
Fall Block Party

Last Saturday was our Fall Block Party.  Each year we have a Spring party that's pretty low key--basically just closing off the streets so the kids can play and having lunch and dinner together as a block.  Then a Fall party with more activites--usually a moon jump, arts projects, hot dog lunch, potluck dinner and movie in the street.  Chris and I have been the organizers for the last few years and we love it.  This year though....it was the best block party we've had.  We had the normal stuff but we added a pumpkin carving station, face painting station (which Tony our neighbor sat at for 3 HOURS painting little faces and limbs--glad it wasn't me! Actually our kids are glad it wasn't me since they would be a bit bored with just stick people drawings and butterflies) and one of our neighbors bands (a Talking Heads cover band).  The band was really, really, really awesome!  Check it out.  It was a cool trip down memory lane and the kids seem to enjoy it as well.  Perfect weather, perfect day.  Nice!

1 comment:

Magical Minds Studio said...

Penny, thanks so much for the invite to the block party. Your block parties put ours to shame! We must make it to the next one.