
Allyu Spa

The ladies of the family (minus mom mom who determined this was not necessary for her glorious skin) took a little well-deserved break during our family reunion. We treated ourselves to facials and massages at Allyu Spa. For me, searching out a good spa in the City is somewhat painful. It’s a bit like looking for just the right place to eat. Even if you have a particular cuisine in mind or type of spa service you want, there are simply too many options to choose from (I know, poor me!). It can be overwhelming for a girl like me. Since I don’t do the spa thing often (I think this should change, right!), I’m not super knowledgeable about what to look for. Over the years, I’ve gone to nice spas but I have not been that impressed with the spas. They were generally too bright for me and missing something. Well, that has changed. I finally found the spa for me. When I entered the spa it was exuding just what I had been looking for--- a calm, comforting , serene place. It had me at the front sitting room. And, speaking of rooms, the waiting area in the spa was incredible!! These were the best photos we could take since it was really dark in the room (hence the crazy eyes that I TRIED to fix, but, oh well, I'm no annie leibovitz---wow that was the understatement of the century!).

For you locals, it’s in Rivernorth next to Japonais. Hmmm, next time I should plan my spa visit around lunch time!

Thanks for the awesome company, Mel and Cat.  (missed you Lis)  It was perfect!


Todd Vassell said...

noooo, thank YOU!! muah.

Todd Vassell said...

and dont' forget the awesome shower at the end! how great was that?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for coming in! You are always welcome to stop by for some tea and time in the meditation tent if you need a moment of peace. :)