
Dragon Ship

M has really been able to express herself better in her drawings over the last few weeks. This week she's drawn a bird, people with bodies (rather than sticks) and hair, dinosaurs.

The Evolution of Stick Man (which have all been named by M)

A Family

Belly Man

Robot Man


And now this masterpiece. This is my favorite drawing to date --

Dragon Ship (with green water, blue sky and yellow sun)

As for ARose, she's cutting her top two teeth. These teeth have proven to be hard for her but she's feeling much better now. Back to her normal laughing, smiling self. She's starting to stic up a little bit at a time on her own (before plopping to the floor), scooting some (OK, that may be a stretch but the other day I put on the floor and came back a couple of minutes later to find her in a different place, that's got to mean something, huh!) and eating some solid foods. She likes the baby cereals. We've tried them all and she digs them. Chris is also making her homemade baby food. So far, butternut squash, green peas, green beans, sweet potato, avocado, edamame and applesauce. She loves the squash but gags on the edamame and applesauce. She's even starting a little bit of finger foods.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Happy to catch up with your beautiful brood! Hope you are well.