
Ahhh, Silence

I was looking through some old photos today (electronically, of course....a sign of the times, right!) and ran across this picture of M. This is one of my all-time favorite pictures of M. It's from a couple of years ago at Christmas time and simply makes me really happy. Not just because she was sleeping (but that may have something to do with it). To me this picture captured the pure innocence of a 2 year old. Her chubby little cheeks have long passed and have been replaced with sassy talk.....oh, how I long to pinch those cheeks, but that's OK. All part of the fun of having kids. She's an angel in my eyes nonetheless --well, most of the time :-))


JeriLyn said...

precious picture! enjoyed your blog. Thanks

iozl said...

It's really too bad that she's over the hill now...