
Mr. Clean

I have an illness in that I need to have things put away and in their place in order for me to function properly—gene courtesy of Granny Rose !! If things get messy, I’m anxious and at times (I admit) not the best person to hang around. Adding to the anxiousness is the fact that I'm a full-time out of the house working mom ---meaning, it’s hard to find time to give our house a good cleaning. Of course, I could make time but, frankly, I don’t want to spend my precious weekends cleaning. I’d rather hang out with the girls and Chris. I’ve been trying to talk Chris into getting a house cleaner for some time now. When it was just the two of us, cleaning was no big deal. After M was born it got a little more difficult to keep on top of but we managed. I think becoming a family of 4 convinced him of the need or was it the inch of dust on our furniture causing us to sneeze or dirty floors which he was now finding HIMSELF cleaning!! No matter the reason, he recently jumped on board.

Yesterday was the first day with a cleaning lady and it was awesome! I can’t explain how thrilled I was to go home. The entire house was clean-- sheets changed, beds made, clothes washed, toilets and tubs scrubbed, floors mopped, furniture dusted, cabinets and appliances wiped down.

I have happily handed over my cleaning gloves and will not look back. Yippee!


Angela said...

It seems extravagant, I know, but it's so worth it. Those weekends are very precious. We didn't get one until number two either. But when she comes, it's like magic and makes us very happy.

Mary said...

just going to throw this out there...someone give that girl a cheeseburger!

Really, I have 3 kids and a messy house...what a great idea! I would have to spend a week cleaning before the cleaning lady comes.

Unknown said...

I am soo jealous! I've been trying to talk Mike into this for about a year. He just needs to sell that darn condo...