
The Community Bowl

One of the things I loved about Door County was the farm stands and unique shops that peppered each little town we drove through. While in Egg Harbor we stumbled upon a pottery shop (called Off the Wheel Pottery) which is located in a barn to the back of the potters home. I had a good feeling as soon as we drove in the drive-way. Your first view is of a mature olive tree, some other local trees, two really neat barns and a swing set. Exactly the environment I envision an artist to use and thrive in. And, speaking of the artist, Renee--- she was fantastic. We had an instant connection. M played on the swing set, ARose had a meal there, we ate some homegrown peaches and talked with Renee. My favorite piece was entitled, The Community Bowl. I splurged and am as happy as a clam that I did. All of her work is handcrafted and functional and the top of this bowl was stunning.
Another piece that I took home was a garlic bowl. Again, I just loved it and since we use lots of garlic, it seemed practical :-))

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