
"Three white lines indicate a......

....vulva" (for those of you who are medically challenged, that means IT'S A GIRL!!! )

Good thing I didn't get rid of M's old clothes. When we heard the news I immediately looked at Chris for his reaction. He was teary-eyed and excited. However, a couple of seconds later the news sunk in and I saw a little look of terror in his eyes........he's going to be severely outnumbered:-))

After long thought, we decided to take M with us to the ultrasound appointment even though we had heard horror stories. As I expected (I really did!) she was awesome. I think she started to get this baby in the belly thing as a result of seeing the pictures--great experience for her. She studied the pictures for the longest time without saying a word. She was soaking it all in trying to grasp the situation (well, at least as much as any 3 year old can grasp). She then began to ask lots of questions and was as cute as ever.

Afterwards, we celebrated at The Depot with some lunch and root beers and toasts by M to her little sister. Words cannot even begin to express how extremely proud I am of M. She has such a beautiful, big heart. She is going to be a fantastic big sister.

Te voglio bene, M!!


Angela said...

As the out numbered one in my house, all I can say, is Chris will love it. Congratulations!

Mel said...

Well we already know you two make beautiful tough little girls! Cheers to pink tutus, princesses, and mood swings! Congrats!

Lori said...

You know how much we love our girlies. Yours will be almost the same exact age apart and will be the best playmates in a couple yrs. J and G are having a blast playing together on this unexpected snow day. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you all! Chris will love having his 3 princesses at the finish line of every single tri! I can see the grin now!