
A Ho Song

I have to share this story with you.

M was prancing around the house this morning happy as good be singing a new song--- “I’m a ho-ho-ho-ho. I’m a ho-ho-ho-ho”. Initially I had to do a double take. Yep, that’s what she was singing. Not in the Santa sense. Obviously, though, not where my mind went either. I’m not sure of what sense to be honest! I had a 10 second internal struggle….Should I tell her to stop singing that song at the risk of possibly starting a conversation that I am not (and will not be) prepared for years to come. Should I encourage her to change the words at the risk of shattering her little creative heart? (OK, that was overly dramatic but you get where I’m going with this.) Or should I simply ignore? I chose the latter. The no talking angle was the best angle for me. Maybe she will forgot about her little tune for now (but given her relation to Chris, repeating one line phrases from songs over and over again for days on days….well maybe not!). I can only hope that if she sings this song at school, none of the kids close by get it either!

1 comment:

iozl said...

You realized that this is a Ke$ha song, right?