The other day M wanted to play dress up with her favorite earrings....check these bad boys out!!
I admit these earrings are a bit on the cheesy side, but they make up for the mounds of cheese with loads of sentimental value. These belonged to my Granny Rose. Granny Rose had a thing for costume jewelry. God forbid, you ever saw her outside of her house without a pair of gaudy earrings and ruby red lipstick. These were a couple of her many trademarks and we loved her for them. But for me, Granny Rose was a lot more than costume jewelry and lipstick.....she was my inspiration. She was a strong lady who spoke her mind (which wasn't as accepted in her day as it is now). Feisty little lady.... all almost 5 foot of her!!! And, this is what inspired me. She always told me every chance she got that I could do anything I wanted in life which I think is the best gift anyone can receive--encouragement. She showed me that there was more to this world than my immediate world. This was particularly important to me. Mind you, Granny Rose was not perfect having her own issues just like everyone else, but that just added to her charm. Granny Rose is no longer with us, but I think of her often. I'm so thankful that I was fortunate enough to have her in my life. Everyone deserves a Granny Rose.