
Kids say the darndest things.......

This weekend has been a wet, gloomy, lazy weekend so we've had lots of inside family time. I decided to treat this weekend as a crash course reminder of what it will be like in a few weeks!
Today was a hodgepodge of a day. Just like most weekend mornings I jumped out of bed running---I like to get my chores finished early so that I can enjoy the rest of the day and M doesn't let me sleep past 6:30. Well, today was no different except that I was in no hurry to finish the chores since I was going nowhere. It had been a good 20 minutes since I had heard a peep out of M...she was in the room next door. After having a brief argument with myself (I was really enjoying the quiet time), I decided I should check in on M. I walked into M's room and what did I find?!?! M lying on the floor tucked in with a blanket and pillow looking mighty comfy playing a videogame her vTec camera (BTW, the camera is super cool...check it out). GAMES...... NOOOOOO, I was trying to shelter her from video games at least until 1st grade....oh well, a little tic-tac-toe never hurt anyone! Who did I think I was kidding. I'm over it now!

After lunch, we made faces out of jello, marshmallows and spray whipped cream (again, another first for M and she loved it). I had to banish Chris to the another room. You can see why!

Later we had our good friend Jim over for dinner. Natured called and Jim answered. When he walked in the bathroom, M said with all seriousness and innocence of an incredibly sweet 3 year old, "Jim, Do you need any help?" Chris and I almost wet our pants out of laughter. Kids say the darndest things...........Remember that show with Bill Cosby? I loved it!


Mel said...

Please tell me you did not refer to Bill Cosby in your rainy day entry?!? Check out my entry...strange and beautiful!

Penny said...

OMG....that's too funny!! I just read your blog. Brilliant minds think alike. I'm glad to see you survived the rain....albeit a little soggy!

iozl said...

daddy is doing it wrong - you don't want to eat the whip cream. no, you only inhale the gas contents from the can and take the head rush. put on a little jimmy buffet.... duuuuuuuuuuudddddeeeee....