
ER Visit

Well, we made it 2.5 years without a trip to the ER with Arose. Today was her day though. SHE IS FINE, no worries! A few breathing treatments and oral steroids did the trick. We will continue with the breathing treatments for 24 hours which should be enough. Poor baby! She was an absolute trooper.

Sound familiar? Yep, we had a similar episode with M when she was about the same age. Same symptoms, ER visit, breathing treatments, etc. Arose will out grow this just like M.

She's fast asleep right now and mommy's going to join her soon! ERs are about as fun as a root canal. Actually, I'd rather have a root canal!

And, we have the best neighbors! Nothing like a little Lemon cake to raise our spirits! Thanks, Jen!


iozl said...

Sorry to hear about that - glad everyone is a-OK....

Mel said...

Hope the little lady is on the mend!