
2011 Thanksgiving

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Multerer's and one of Chris' classmates--Batzaya.  This was Batzaya's first Thanksgiving as she is from Mongolia.   We had never "encountered" a Mongolian before so, unfortunately for Batzaya, she was inundated with loads of question about her native country.  I know I showed our ignorance about her country with my silly questions but she was a real trooper.  Just in case you are wondering, it's true.  Mongolians do in fact eat A LOT of beef but our version here in the States is not the same.  Shocking, I know!

Our thankful theme was that we are all thankful for our friends and family, opportunities and turkey.  Some of us are thankful for hippos as well!

Thanks Multerer's and Batzaya for a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

iozl said...

Was there any Tuvan throat singing involved? Now that would have been very cool....

Also, speaking of beef, check out the documentary 'Forks over Knives' at the library or on Netflix....