
Little Passports, A Global Adventure for Kids

With the invention of the internet, anything you could possibly need or want is only a few keystrokes away. No need to jump on your bicycle or in your car to get to the library to research a subject. Hop on the computer instead. I guess that convenience is good and bad depending on the situation. I myself am not a big fan of the library. It’s just not my thing. Thankfully, Chris, on the other hand, LOVES the library so my girls get to appreciate that experience (and they love it too, btw) and I get the benefit of having new books on my nightstand every few weeks and new movies to watch courtesy of Chris. I digress…the point of this post really has nothing to do with the library itself.

A few weeks ago I was picking a friend’s brain about birthday gifts for M’s upcoming birthday. M wanted an American Girl doll but I really couldn’t justify spending $100 on a doll not to mention all of the crap, I mean accessories, that comes along with the doll. Nevertheless, I was going to bite the bullet for M’s sake (remembering the time when I didn’t get that real Cabbage Patch doll that I wanted oh so bad….because everyone else had one…you know that kind of kids stuff). But then I learned of Little Passports-- a subscription-based monthly mailing that provides your little one with a unique way to learn about other countries and cultures through the fictional characters Sofia and Sam. The super cool thing for the kids though is that they receive something special in the mail each month from Sofia and Sam talking about their recent journey.

Last week, M received her first package. She was so excited!! It was a little suitcase with a world map, passport, stickers, activity sheet, postcard and introductive letter. Each month, for the next year, M will receive a new package from Sam and Sofia as they travel around the world. This is such a fun way for kids (and parents) to learn about geography, history, culture, and language. The online games are fun too but they are really designed for older kids that can read so she needs a little help. Her map is on her wall in her bedroom and she has studied it each night so far.

Ok, I’m not kidding myself. I realize that an American Girl doll is likely in my not too distant future. I’ve just found a really cool detour and bought myself some time before the big purchase.

1 comment:

Mel said...

What an exciting present!!