
Vroom, vroom

If you want a great overall workout you should try indoor racing. Yesterday I had a work function at Chicago Indoor Racing and it was a blast. I am extremely sore today! We raced a Grand Prix which meant it was 4 races at 20 laps each. Doesn't sound like much, huh!!! Oh no. It was exhausting. My ankles, wrists, abs, forearms, biceps...man, they hurt. But so much fun. Oh, and I came in second overall. I beat my boss so that is probably not the way to go if you are wanting a promotion. What can I say, I'm competitive at sports!!! I will definitely do that again!


Phil said...

Looks like fun. I challenge you for the fastest driver in the family challenge. No prisoners taken.

Penny said...

You're on!!! Are you going to use the Prius:-))