
The Dentist

Ever since M was old enough we have made a huge deal over M brushing her teeth. Yummy tasting toothpaste and mouthwash, cute brushes, colorful floss. Our strategy has proven successful as she is an avid little brusher....never forgets. In fact, a couple of times this summer we were out late and she fell asleep on the drive home. We put her straight to bed only to have her wake up in distress because she didn't brush her teeth. OK, maybe I have taken this thing a little far by drilling into her head that she has to brush her teeth or her teeth will fall out. On the other hand, it has worked :-))
Over the weekend, M had her first dentist check up with Dr. George. She goes to all of our checkups so she knows and loves Dr. George. However, as you can expect, she was very concerned and kept asking if it was going to hurt. It took a little cajoling (her Barbie that she brought along for the trip needed to have her teeth checked too, right?!) and a lot of patience on the part of Dr. George, but she finally hopped in the chair. She was so excited about her "shiny" teeth afterwards and told everyone that would listen. Priceless.

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