
Afternoon at The Nutcracker

Yesterday afternoon, we met friends downtown at the Auditorium Theatre to the see The Joffrey Ballet Nutcracker. I had seen a production of The Nutcracker years ago while in Atlanta, but this was M's first time. She was so excited to see the dancers. During the first scene, I think she was expecting a little more ballet dancing, but all in all she had a great time. A couple of times she really perked up during the performance when she heard music that she dances to at her dance classes. She said her favorite part of the performance was the music!!

We knew a couple of the kids that were in the show so that made it even more exciting. They were awesome! Afterwards, their parents hosted a Magical Nutcracker party. There were several other families there whose kids were in the show so we got an impromptu private peformance by all of the kids!

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