
Gardens to Farmer's Markets

I love farmer's markets.

Every year I eagerly await the opening of our local farmer's market in May and am a little sad in October when it closes for the season.  There is something about having fresh food to eat, supporting local farmers, walking or biking to the market with your kids, enjoying the art of the beautiful colors at the market...... really, what's not to love!  It reminds me of a simpler world and that makes me happy.  Growing up each summer we always had a home garden in the backyard....cantaloupes, watermelons, greens, peppers, corn, peas, tomatos, cucumbers.....  Some years our yield was small.  Some years our yield was big.  Either way I have to admit that I didn't appreciate the garden we had.  I just thought of it as work.  Over the years, like many other things in life,  I have reflected on that garden and I think my parents were pretty awesome for having a garden each year and for "making" us work the garden.  I'm sure it would have been easier some years to say the heck with it rather than listen to the complaining!  So, each summer (short as it is here) I yearn for my garden (as SMALL as it is).  And I yearn for the farmer's markets.

Unfortunately, the Chicago climate doesn't lend itself to year-round outdoor farmer's markets.  But we are fortunate enough to have the Green City Market which moves itself indoors for the winter months.  This market prides itself on being the only truly green farmer's market in Chicago.  We used to frequent this market when we lived in the city but not so much now that we are out of the city and have our own little market.  It's pretty awesome though.

Yesterday, while M and ARose were at a birthday party, Chris and I had a date attending one of the four chef demonstrations that the Green City Market provides each weekend that it is open for business.  Rick Bayless was the chef!  Yes, the Top Chef Master himself!  Can you say E-X-C-I-T-E-D!   I have watched his PBS cooking show, Mexico-One Plate at a Time, for years now.  I've eaten numerous times at one of his award-winning restaurants, Frontera Grill.  I walked away from this demonstration feeling ----impressed and inspired.  Rick didn't just show us how to cook some food. Anybody can follow a recipe, right....I think :-) He talked to us about his what he felt was his mission in life.  He is truly passoniate about Mexican food and his cause of supporting local organic farming.  All of his restaurants are supplied locally with organic food.  If he can't get the products he wants, he partners with local farmers by giving them initial capital in exchange for the products.

I'm making tortilla soup today :-)


Sippy Days

See what ARose has been working on this week..Here's the play by play...

Feeling it

Gulp, gulp

In the zone



Happy Spring

Hold your horses...not so fast! This is what the first day of Spring looks like in Oak Park this year. 

I can't say that I'm surprised.  We always have a late snow.  I can only hope though that this is the LAST snow until Winter.  Fingers crossed!

At least Chris and the girls were able to enjoy yesterday's gorgeous weather at the Zoo.  Here are some really cool shots Chris took ...


A Recovered Vacationer

You know that saying about needing a vacation from a vacation.  Well, I'll second that motion. We didn't really do a lot on our vacation.  Simply hung around the beach and pool.  So....it would stand to reason that I am refreshed and ready to tackle this next round of winter bliss that mother nature is going to throw our way this weekend.  You'ld think.   However, since we returned from our fun in the sun trip I have been exhausted!!  It's not just me.  We have all been tired.  Maybe it had something to do with this little fact--all four of us slept in the same room while one vacation.  If a baby wasn't in the equation that would have been perfect.  With the baby, still really nice to be together yet not so much on the sleep front.  Babies make a lot of sound for their pint sized selves! I am happy to now say that we have all recovered from our trip.  We had a fabulous time as we always do with Aunt Connie and Uncle Paul.  Before our trip M even told me that Aunt Connie and Uncle Paul we here REAL parents and that Chris and I were her FAKE parents.  Funny!  I assured her that was definitely not the case.....showing her the stretch marks to prove it! 

Thanks, Aunt Connie and Uncle Paul for another great vacation. You guys are the BEST!


Sunshine State

Courtesy of Nutrition Ink

I'm soakin' up some sunshine in the Sunshine State and will be back soon hopefully with a little color (a tan, not a lobster!) on my cheeks.



Courtesty of Beeswax Productions

That’s the date in which I will be plunging into the hopefully warm water at Naperville’s Centennial Beach for .75K , then strapping into my bike pedals for 23K, then jogging (let’s be real, probably walking maybe even crawling at this point) a 5K.

Yes, I successfully signed up for the US Women’s Triathlon Series in Naperville this year. I’m not sure what has gotten into me. For years I have been a proud supporter of Chris in his numerous triathlons. Up until now I had ZERO interest in actually participating in one. I was really quite happy with simply being a supporter. Believe it or not, they are really fun and full of energy even when not participating.

What am I thinking?!!? I’m a team sports player---softball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee--not an endurance athlete. I can’t even swim very well. My butt has not hit a bike seat in months. Running, just to run, YUCK! Even though I will say that I’m in it just to finish it the ugly truth is that I’m competitive at sports so that will not be good enough. I’m not sure what my goal will be for my first triathlon but my expectations will be high. I DO NOT WANT TO BE LAST.   Shoot, I’d better get started training!

(Thanks, PopPop, for the Ironman Watch. I got it in the mail yesterday and prompted me to sign up. It’s super cool and perfect for my upcoming training!!)


Chris' Surprise

Hotel Monaco, gold fish for the guests upon request

I surprised Chris over the weekend with a night without the kids in the city hanging out with some of our great friends.  There wasn't a birthday or anniversary to celebrate.  Nothing formal at all.  I simply wanted Chris to know how much he means to me (OK, no more mushy stuff).  Before dinner we actually went to a bar for pre-dinner drinks and pomme frites.  I know, get out!  And, no we were not the oldest people in the bar.  Felt good!

For dinner, we met our friends out for Ethiopian.  We've been trying to get together with this bunch for a while now because they are awesome people for one thing but also we knew they would really get into what this type of food and atmosphere have to offer.  Chris and I had not been in years and it's a crying shame because it's really worth going to much more often.  I love the communal concept.  The idea is that you order a bunch of food that is placed on a communal tray which is put in the middle of the table.  You then dig in using a special type of spongy, sourdough bread as utensils.  And to top off things, we had live music which just made the night perfect.  Thanks guys!

OMG...we were able to sleep through the night. No screaming baby at 2 am or 4 year old quietly crawling in to bed with us at 5 am. Just the two of us snoring 'til we woke ourselves up. We slept in until around 8 am which seemed like an eternity! Then breakfast....just the two of us. Adult conversation. Wow! It was nice!